Thursday, July 5, 2012

I love my girls! Just a few random things about them....

Last week tess got stung by a bee :( she didn't even cry. She just said ouch a billion times. She's soo tough.

Took the girls to mcdonalds to play and tess followed boky all the way up to the big slide. I was impressed. She's growing fast.

Boky is becoming such a big helper. She helps me water our plants every week. I love that she wants to help. She also helps with dishes, laundry, and will do random little tasks when asked. I know I gotta enjoy it now bc when she's a teen she won't be so willing.

Boky is doing gymnastics at tangelwood with her cousin Esi and they are loving it! They also tried cheer camp this year... it was intersting.

Tess is starting to repeat everything we say. Pretty cute but kinda scary.