Saturday, November 26, 2011

Funny girl's

The other day Brooklyn and Esi were sitting at thte counter at Grandma De's and all of a sudden Brooklyn started yelling at Esi "Get that choking hazard lid out of your mouth!" Choking hazard, really? Not sure where she learned that one from.

Tessa has learned the "Hello Song" at daycare and has started patting her legs so we will sing it to her. (Hello, Hello, Hello Tessa. Tessa, Tessa, How are you today?)

Tessa has also become more and more mischievous. She gets into the magazine rack and just watches you until you get up then she takes off running because she knows she's about to be in trouble.

Tessa has learned how to go up and down the stairs but like to try and give me a heart attack by stopping half way and standing up. Little turkey.

Brooklyn has started to try spelling everything. She will say "mom, can I have a l-p-n-s-s-q-z" And I have to tell her I don't know how to spell so she will tell me what it is she wants. It's so cute.


It's the time of year to share what we are thankful for...

#1 My girls, Brooklyn and Tessa. I don't know where I would be without them. This last year has been a very trying year and without them I don't know that I would have made it. They keep me going. Even when things are rough they always make me smile and I know that they love me unconditionally.

My Family. My Mom and Dad have been very supportive of me especially in this last year. with out them me and the girls would be living in a box. It's nice to know that no matter what I do, they too, love me unconditionally. Sure we have our tiffs here and there but I know with out a doubt that they will always be there for me. I am thankful for Rachel and her kidlette's (Esi and Elliot). Rach has been such a huge support to me and has been such a great aunt to my kids. I am appreciative of Esi and Elliot for playing with my girls even when they are being little stinkers.  I am thankful for Jamie, she always knows when I need a hug. I am thankful for Jade, she is always trying to help with my kids. I couldn't ask for better sisters or better parents, and I hope they know that I love them.
I am also thankful for my extended family who, even though they don't know all the details, have been very supportive and there when I need them. From a quick email to a call to invitations for dinner they have been very good to me and my girls. I am especially thankful for the Kiersteads, they have done so much for me and my girls. I also want to say I am thankful for the blessings that Colt and Jon were able to give me when I needed them. It's nice to have aunt's and uncle's so close not only in proximity but age as well. Love you all!
I am thankful for my friends that are like my family. Especially Hayden this last year. She has been a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, a home away from home, a second mommy to my girls, and so much more. She always lets me know that I am strong and I can and will make it through any challenge. She also has reminded me that it's ok to have fun and be silly. 
 I am thankful for Zach. Even though things aren't exactly peachy I wouldn't have my girls without him. I am thankful he is there to challenge me and remind me of how good of a mom I really am. I am thankful he is no longer mine. 

I am thankful for my job. I work some of the most amazing people who also have been very supportive of me. I am so glad that I have an amazing boss who has been understanding and very accommodating of me especially in the last year. I am thankful for each person's personality and different attributes that make me smile. I love hearing stories, getting advice, and having someone to listen to me every day I go to work. I couldn't possibly have a better group of coworkers.

I am thankful for my community. Growing up in a small town wasn't always great but now that I am older I am thankful for the small town and the fact that everyone knows everyone. It's not always great having dirty laundry aired but I am thankful for those who don't judge and just smile or offer a hug when they see me. I am especially thankful for my pharmacists, bank people, Exxon (I know it's Texaco but it will always be Exxon to me) employees, and Kent's employees.

I am thankful for music. Sound cheesy but it always helps to jam out :)

I am thankful for health. We have had our share of ear infections this year but I will take those any day... I am thankful that me and the girls have been healthy enough to live normal lives.

I am thankful for our daycare. They have been so good to the girls. I am thankful for all the things they teach my girls. I always know that when I leave them they are going to have a good day and learn lots. It's weird because I never thought that a daycare center would be so personable but each of the women that work there know my girls and love them. I am especially thankful for Muriel who has been very understanding and has helped pull some strings for us. I also appreciate the communication between the staff and me, they always let me know what's been going on with the girls and I get phone calls when needed.

I am thankful for food!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

little things...

Today after I got done cooking dinner I glanced over at Jade's notebook, there was a sketch of a little town. It included walmart, texaco, kent's, a parking lot, etc. It made me think back to when I was a kid, I miss the fascination of drawing a town, drawing a doll, drawing my dream house, drawing my dream wedding dress. Those were the best days :)

Last night Tessa was being such a hoot! She has figured out that if she hits Brooklyn she is covered as long as she kisses her immediately after. So funny, but sad. She has also figured out that she doesn't need to turn around backwards to go down the stairs, she has discovered the front butt slide. It's kind of scary but she hangs on to the banister just in case so it's not too bad.

Brooklyn is spelling her entire name B-R-O-O-K-L-Y-N. No help necessary. She has been asking how to spell her last name now, but hasn't quite figured it out. She is also enjoying using scissors. This past Sunday she said "mom, I want to make a Sponge Bob" the supplies she needed were paper, crayons, pencil, and scissors. I think it turned out pretty good. I'll post a picture later.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Brooklyn is 4!!

 Brooklyn Marie turned 4 on Monday! It was quite the day. We took Tessa to daycare and headed out for a day of fun in Logan. We went shopping at the mall and played in the play center for about an hour while we waited to get her ears pierced. We went to Claire's at 1pm to start filling out the paperwork and picking out the earrings she wanted. When she looked at the panel of choices it took about 2 seconds for her to pick hello kitty and there was no changing her mind. She was excited, then nervous, then sad, then excited, then happy. It made me a little nervous but all in all went really well.

When we got home we went and got her an ice cream cone at Maverick then grabbed Tessa and headed to get balloons, Hello Kitty balloons of course. Then we made her a strawberry flavored cake with vanilla frosting. She picked mint chocolate chip ice cream to go with it. Her choices for dinner included chicken nuggets (which she usually won't eat), rice, green beans, and at the last minute she decided she wanted fries with it too. Silly girl.

Love her to pieces and I don't know what I would do without her in my life. Love you Brooklyn Marie!


Here she is all dressed up in her hello kitty gear and her new high heels.

This girl loves her cousins.

Blowing out her candle!

 One of hers gifts from her Grandma De and Grandpa James

Her Outfit from Esi, Elliot, and Rach

Loves her cousin :)

Shades she got from Esi

Growing up!
Crazy faces

Me and my Brooklyn :-*

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Brooklyn Marie & Tessa James

Face Paint

 Brooklyn has really wanted her face painted every since the Health Fair in June. My good friend (and co-worker) Sean asked his daughter Carrigan if she would be up to it. Brooklyn was so excited when I told her that we were headed to Brigham to get her face painted. Carrigan was so sweet with Brooklyn and let her choose what she wanted. She chose hello kitty in a tutu with a wand.



Brooklyn and Esi had a blast carving pumpkins with Grandma, Grandpa, Jade, Jamie, Me, Rachel, and Jamie's friend. Brooklyn was very concerned and made sure that Tessa had a pumpkin, she wanted it to say Tessa but settled for the letter "T". Brooklyn's said her pumpkin was a vampire pumpkin :)


We Started the spooky holiday with the merchant trick or treat uptown this year. Brooklyn had a ton of fun gong with her Aunt Jade and friend Braydon with Grandma De. Tessa and I stayed home and napped and got laundry done. 

The original plan was to have the girls be witches this year, we even got Brooklyn a hat to match her orange and black witch costume. Then Aunt Amanda took the girls shopping for princess costumes. They turned out pretty cute being Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. 

 Brooklyn and Esi 

We didn't get a picture of Mr. E because he was napping. :(

We started Halloween night at Grandma De's getting ready and having dinner. Then we met with all the cousins at Grandma Pam's. We headed around Sandalwood just like the olden days, no trunk-or-treats for us! It was slightly difficult having Elliot and Tessa because they couldn't walk and we forgot strollers. Thank goodness for Grandma De, Aunt Tracy, and Aunt Stef for switching off with me and Rach; those babies are heavy! After we went through Sandalwood we headed to Grandma Berniece's and then home to Elwood to trick-or-treat with Jamie and her friend Aspen. All in all it was a great night and we are still munching on candy almost a week later!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tessa Turned One

 Good Morning :)

 Opening her first present

 Yay! It's clothes!

 Crazy Family Picture

 The best picture we got... Grr... 

 Happy Birthday Girl!

She LOVED her cake!

Miss Tessa