Saturday, November 26, 2011


It's the time of year to share what we are thankful for...

#1 My girls, Brooklyn and Tessa. I don't know where I would be without them. This last year has been a very trying year and without them I don't know that I would have made it. They keep me going. Even when things are rough they always make me smile and I know that they love me unconditionally.

My Family. My Mom and Dad have been very supportive of me especially in this last year. with out them me and the girls would be living in a box. It's nice to know that no matter what I do, they too, love me unconditionally. Sure we have our tiffs here and there but I know with out a doubt that they will always be there for me. I am thankful for Rachel and her kidlette's (Esi and Elliot). Rach has been such a huge support to me and has been such a great aunt to my kids. I am appreciative of Esi and Elliot for playing with my girls even when they are being little stinkers.  I am thankful for Jamie, she always knows when I need a hug. I am thankful for Jade, she is always trying to help with my kids. I couldn't ask for better sisters or better parents, and I hope they know that I love them.
I am also thankful for my extended family who, even though they don't know all the details, have been very supportive and there when I need them. From a quick email to a call to invitations for dinner they have been very good to me and my girls. I am especially thankful for the Kiersteads, they have done so much for me and my girls. I also want to say I am thankful for the blessings that Colt and Jon were able to give me when I needed them. It's nice to have aunt's and uncle's so close not only in proximity but age as well. Love you all!
I am thankful for my friends that are like my family. Especially Hayden this last year. She has been a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, a home away from home, a second mommy to my girls, and so much more. She always lets me know that I am strong and I can and will make it through any challenge. She also has reminded me that it's ok to have fun and be silly. 
 I am thankful for Zach. Even though things aren't exactly peachy I wouldn't have my girls without him. I am thankful he is there to challenge me and remind me of how good of a mom I really am. I am thankful he is no longer mine. 

I am thankful for my job. I work some of the most amazing people who also have been very supportive of me. I am so glad that I have an amazing boss who has been understanding and very accommodating of me especially in the last year. I am thankful for each person's personality and different attributes that make me smile. I love hearing stories, getting advice, and having someone to listen to me every day I go to work. I couldn't possibly have a better group of coworkers.

I am thankful for my community. Growing up in a small town wasn't always great but now that I am older I am thankful for the small town and the fact that everyone knows everyone. It's not always great having dirty laundry aired but I am thankful for those who don't judge and just smile or offer a hug when they see me. I am especially thankful for my pharmacists, bank people, Exxon (I know it's Texaco but it will always be Exxon to me) employees, and Kent's employees.

I am thankful for music. Sound cheesy but it always helps to jam out :)

I am thankful for health. We have had our share of ear infections this year but I will take those any day... I am thankful that me and the girls have been healthy enough to live normal lives.

I am thankful for our daycare. They have been so good to the girls. I am thankful for all the things they teach my girls. I always know that when I leave them they are going to have a good day and learn lots. It's weird because I never thought that a daycare center would be so personable but each of the women that work there know my girls and love them. I am especially thankful for Muriel who has been very understanding and has helped pull some strings for us. I also appreciate the communication between the staff and me, they always let me know what's been going on with the girls and I get phone calls when needed.

I am thankful for food!!!

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